7th International Conference of the French Association for Cognitive Linguistics
31 May-3 Jun 2017 Liège (Belgium)

Plenary speakers

Myriam Bouveret (Université de Rouen & LaTTiCe CNRS), Semi-auxiliaries in French from a frames and constructions diachronic perspective.

Barbara Dancygier (University of British Columbia, Canada), Viewpoint, discourse, and multimodal artifacts.

Nicole Delbecque (KU Leuven, Belgium), Constructions at the intersection of lexicalization and grammaticalization. Some convergences and divergences between Spanish and French gerund constructions.

Peter Harder (University of Copenhagen, Denmark), Discourse, ideology and identity: construction, social-cognitive grounding and hard facts.

Maarten Lemmens (Université Lille 3) & Kalyanamalini Sahoo (English and Foreign Language University Hyderabad), The semantics and pragmatics of mirativity: a constructional account

Nick Riches (Newcastle University, UK), Language impairments in children; a challenge for cognitive linguistic theory?

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